I once saw a comic strip of Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson that totally described the way I used to meet deadlines:
While waiting until the last minute can be effective motivation, it is far more comfortable (and profitable!) to plan your projects so that you can meet deadlines without killing yourself in the process.
That does not, however, mean you should only set small, comfortable targets.
I used to limit my own success with negative affirmations like, “I can’t afford that” or “I wish I could have my own plane” (the unstated assumption being that I’d never have my own plane).
But then I then read Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki in which he says that when growing up, his father would say things like, “We can’t afford that,” while his friend’s father would say things like, “How can we afford that?”
I stopped thinking I couldn’t have or be those things, and starting asking myself how can I have or be those things? I started to set higher goals, started researching how others did what I wanted to do, and started planning on how I could do the same.
You are the sole factor that determines whether or not you set and achieve your goals.
How successful do you want to be?
Jack Molisani
ProSpring Technical Staffing
Follow Jack Molisani on Twitter: @JackMolisani.